Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rudy Guiliani

Rudy Guiliani was born May 28, 1944 in the New York city borough of Brooklyn. Rudy attended catholic school, St. Anne's in Garden City South. He then moved back to Brooklyn and attended Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School, graduating in 1961 with an 85% of average. He went to Manhattan College in Riverdale, Bronx, where he majored in Political Science with a minor in Philosophy. There he considered becoming a priest, after having studied Theology for four years in college. He graduated in 1965. He eventually decided to fore go the priest hood, instead attending New York University School of Law in Manhattan, where he made law review and graduated Cum Laude with a Juris Doctor in 1968.

Rudy served as Mayor of New York City from 1994-2001. A Democrat and Independent in the 1970's and a Republican since the 1980's, Guiliani: served in the U.S. Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York, eventually becoming U.S. Attorney. He prosecuted a number of high-profile cases, including ones against organized crime and wall street financiers. He served two terms as mayor of New York City, having having run on the Republican and the Liberal lines. He was credited with initiating improvements and with a reduction in crime pressing the city's quality of life initiatives. After leaving office as a mayor, he founded Guiliani Partners, a security consulting business. Guiliani considered running for both Governor and Senator in 2010, but decided not to run and remain active in his business career.

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