Heinz easy squirt red & green ketchup
Boston Market Homestyle Meals
Pepsi Twist
Colored M&M’s
Vanilla Coke
Folgers AromaSeal
Kraft & supermac & cheese
Wrigleys Slim Pack Gum
Frosted Flakes Gold
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Foods in the 2000's( Ahminah Waters)
Music(Abby Romero)
Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born on the 17th October 1972, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. His mother was 15 at the time she gave birth. Six months later his father left him., Marshall spent his early childhood being shoved back and forth from Kansas City and Detroit. He settled on the Eastside of Detroit when he was 12. Switching schools every two to three months made it difficult to make friends, graduate and to stay out of trouble. Being a rap fan for most of his life, Marshall began rapping at the early age of 4. Rhyming words together, battling schoolmates in the lunchroom made him happy. When he was 14 he was very serious about his rapping skills and when he turned 17 he came up with a name he could call him self M&M and later on re-spelled it as Eminem.The name 'Eminem' came from his initials M(arshall) M(athers). People started rejecting him as a rapper because of his race.Marshall grew an anger that flows through his music to this day. After failing the 9th grade three times in a row, he quit school, but says that he doesn't consider himself stupid but that people should'nt follow his example.His very first album was titled "Infinite".It was then that his daughter, Hailie Jade Scott, was born on December 25th of 1995 with long time girlfriend Kim Scott. Having nothing to lose at all, flat broke and not knowing where he would be living the next week, Marshall set out to rant about life in general, the set quickly caught the ear of hip-hop's difficult-to-please underground. What came out of this was the Slim Shady EP, the early work for the later Dr. Dre revised Slim Shady LP. Down to nearly his last dime, he went into the 1997 Rap Olympics in Los Angeles, basically hoping to win the $1,500 cash price which he badly needed. After battling for an hour and throwing back every race diss thrown at him, Marshall made it to second place losing in a slip up. Furious that he had lost, Marshall didn't even notice that he had been spotted. In the crowd were a few producers from Interscope, and they were handed a copy of the "Infinite" tape by way of a demo. Dr. Dre got to hear it and eventually tracked him down. The two instantly hit it off, recording four songs in the their first six hours of working - three which made it to his first LP. After the album was finished, Dr. Dre asked Marshall to come work with him on his new album. He helped produce several tracks and was on the best songs of the album. It won 3 Grammies and was the first rap album ever to be nominated "Album of the Year", selling more than 8 million records in the United States alone. He also stunned critics when he shot down all homophobic remarks by performing "Stan" with Elton John. Eminem made a movie called 8 Mile (2002), and has gone back and brought his friend with him; D-12. Though 2001 was a rough year for the rapper, being charged with weapon offenses, divorcing his wife, and almost going to prison, Marshall explains his life today in one word.
His hit list top 12
Lose yourself, Hailie’s song, Sing for the moment, Stan, Mocking Bird, Like Toy Soldiers, Without Me, When Im Gone, The Way I Am, The Real Shady, Cleanin Out My Closet, 8 Mile.
Hip Hop
Artists such as Eminem, OutKast, T.I., Kanye West, The Game, 50 Cent, Nelly, Nas, Jay-Z, Missy Elliott, Lil Wayne, Ludacris, and Twin Creek Soldiers were among the dominant mainstream hip hop artists to have represented the Hip hop genre for the decade.
Rock remained popular in the beginning of the decade, despite the increasing popularity of hip-hop, but experienced a diminished presence on mainstream music charts by the end of the decade.
Alternative rock
Garage rock and post-punk revival
The White Stripes were one of the most successful emerging American rock acts of the decade.In the early 2000s, a new group of bands emerged into the mainstream which drew primary inspiration from post-punk and new wave and were variously characterised as part of a garage rock, post-punk or new wave revival.Nickelback has released seven number-one singles on the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart and has sold over 35 million records.After the first wave of post-grunge bands lost their popularity, bands like, Puddle of Mudd and Nickelback took post-grunge into the 21st century with considerable commercial success, abandoning most of the angst and anger of the original movement for more conventional anthems, narratives and romantic songs.
Hard rock and heavy metal
During the early 2000s a new wave of metal began with interest in the newly emerging genre nu metal and genres of a similar style such as rap metal and the later mainstream success rap rock. The popularity of nu metl music carried over from the late 1990s, where it was introduced by early work from bands such as Korn, Deftones, Slipknot and Coal Chamber, into the early 2000s with the similar genre, rap rock, bringing in a wave of monster-hit artists such as Evanescence, Staind, Papa Roach, and Disturbed.
Emo broke into mainstream culture in the early 2000s with the platinum-selling success of Jimmy Eat World's Bleed American (2001) and Dashboard Confessional's The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most (2003). The new emo had a far greater appeal amongst adolescents than its earlier incarnations. At the same time, use of the term emo expanded beyond the musical genre, becoming associated with fashion, a hairstyle and any music that expressed emotion. In recent years the term emo has been applied by critics and journalists to a variety of artists, including multi-platinum acts such as Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance and disparate groups such as Paramore and Panic at the Disco, even when they protest the label.
Singer Britney Spears is the best selling female performer of the decade.Christina Aguilera is considered to be one of the best-selling female artist of the decade.Teen Pop became an extremely popular genre in the early 2000s with success of teenaged pop-singers Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, and Mandy Moore. This trend dissolved dramatically due to modern R&B and hip-hop influenced music that dominated throughout the middle of the decade. Britney Spears became eventually the decade's best-selling female artist selling over 85 million albums worldwide as well as the fifth best-selling artist in the U.S.In 2002, a new "teen pop rock" movement began. Avril Lavigne was arguably the first and lead artist to take this new direction in pop music, with hits such as "Complicated", "Sk8er Boi" at the beginning of the decade and "Girlfriend" at the end Lavigne leads this genre throughout all the decade worldwide, her contemporaries such stars as, Michelle Branch and Vanessa Carlton not far behind with their own success.Lady Gaga took the later part of the decade by storm. Her debut album, The Fame, was released on August 19, 2008.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Al Gore
Al Gore served as the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993-2001 Under Bill Clinton. He Is Currently an author, business person, and American enviromental activist who starred in the in the 2006 documentry An Ineconvinient truth, which won an acadamy award in 2007. He was involved in American Politics for 24 years, serving first in the U.S. House Of Representives (1985-1993) before becoming Vice President. Gore was the the democratic nominee for president in the 2000 presidential election. Gore is the recipient of a number of awards. He and the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He Is currently the founder and chair of Alliance For Climate Protection , the Co-Founder and chair of Current Investment Managment, The Co-Founder and chair of Current Tr, a member of the board of directors of Apple Inc. , and a senor advisor to Google.
Osama bin Ladin
Rudy Guiliani
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton is the 42nd President of the United States from 1993-2001. At 46 he was the third-youngest president. He became president at the end of the cold war, and is known as the first baby boomer president. Clinton was described as a New Democratic adn was largely known for the Third Way Philosophy of governance that came to epitomize his two terms as president. His policies, on issues such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and Welfare reform, have been described as centrist. Clinton presided over the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history, which included a balance budget and a federal surplus. He helped Arkansas transform its econmony and significantly improve the state's educational system. He became a leading figure among the New Democrats. He served as chair of the National Govenors Association from 1986-1987, bringing him to an audience beyond Arkansas.
Hilary Clinton
Hilary Clinton is the 67th U.S.A secretary of the state, serving in the administration of president Barach Obama. She was a u.s senator for New York from 2001-2009. As the wife of the 42nd president of the U.S. Bill Clinton, she was the first lady of the U.S.A from 1993-2001. In the 2008 election, Clinton was a leading candidate for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. In 1994 as first lady of the U.S., her major initiative, the clinton health care plan, failed to gain approval from the U.S. congress. In 1997 Clinton played a role in advocating the creation of the state of the Children's Health Insurence Program, the adoption and safe Families Act, and the Fosler Care Independence Act. After moving to the state of New York, Clinton was elected as a U.S. senator in 2000. That election marved the first time an American First Lady had run for public office.
Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi is both and current speaker of the United States of Representatives. Before being elected speaker in the 110th congress, she was the House Minerity Leader from 2003-2007, holding the post during the 108th & 109th congress.Pelosi is the first female speaker of the House. She is also the first Californian and first Italian-American to hold the post. As speaker, Pelosi is second in the line of President succession, following Vice President joe Biden, which makes her the highest- ranking female politician in american history.
Barack Obama
Obama served three terms in the Illinois senate from 1997 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in U.S House of Representatives in 2000, he ran for United States in 2004. In 2008 general election, he defeated Republican Nominee John MCCain and was inaugurated as president on January 20,2009.As president, Obama signed economic stimulus legislation in the form of the American Recovery and renvestment Act in February 2009. On october 8, 2009 , Obama was named the 2009 nobel peace prize lawereate. in March Obama signed the
George Bush
In a close and controversial election, Bush was elected President im 2000 as the Republican Candidate, defeating then vice president Al Gore in the Electoral College. Eight months into Bush's first term as president, the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks occured. In response, Bush announced a global war on terrorism, ordered an invasion of Afghanistan, that same year and an invasion on Iraq in 2003. In addition to national security issues, Bush promoted policies on the economy, health care, education, and social security reform. He signed into law broad tax cuts, the No Child Left Behind Act, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, and medicare prescription drug benefits for seniors. He tenure saw national debates on immigration and social security.
Bush successully ran for re-election against Democratic senator John Henry in 2004, in another relatively close election. After his re-election, Bush recieved increasingly heated criticism over its handling of Hurricane Katrina. In December 2007, the United States entered its longest post-world war II recesion. Though Bush was popular within the U.S.for much of his term, his popularity declined shortly during his second term. He is currently a Public Speaker and is writing a book about his presidency.
Hilary Clinton
Hilary Clinton was born october 20, 1947 in chicago illinois at edgewater hospital. as a child she attented school at park ridge. she attended maine east high school were she participated in student council, the school newspaper, and was selected for national honer society. For her senior year, she was redistricted to maine south high school, where she was national merit finalist and graduated in the top five percent of her class of 1964. Hilary enrolled wellesley collage, where she majored in political science. During her freshmen year, she served as president of the wellseley young republicans.
Tony Blair
Tony Blair is a British Labour Politician who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 2, 1997 to June 27, 2007. He was the member of Parliament for Sedgfield from 1983-2007 and the leader of Labour Party from 1994-2007; he resigned all these positions in June 2007. Blair is the Labour Party's longest-serving Prime Minister; the only person to have led the Labour Party to three consecutive general election victories; and the only Labour Prime Minister to serve consecutive terms, more than one of which was at least four years long. In May 2008, he launched his Tony Blair Faith Foundation. This was followed in July 2009, by the launching of the Faith and Globalisation Initiative with Yale University in the USA, Durham University in the UK, and National University of Singapore in Asia to deliver postgraduate progamme in partnership with the Foundation. Once elected, Blair's ascent was rapid, and he recieved his first front-bench appointment in 1984 as assistant Treasury Spokesman.
Sarah Palin
Sara Palin is an American politician, author, speaker, and political news commentator who served as the govenor of Alaska from 2006 untill she resigned in 2009 . She was the republican nominee for vice president of the United States in 2008. Palin was a member of the Wasilla, Alaska city council from 1996-2002, she chaired the Alaska oil and Gas conservation commission from 2003 untill she reigned in 2004. In November 2006 she became the youngest person and the first women ever elected govenor of Alaska. In April 2010, Sarah Palin was selected as one of the 100 world's most influential people by TIME magazine. Palin promoted oil and natural gas in the Arctic National wild life Refoge. While being govenor in Alaska , Palin declared that top priorities of her administraion would be resource development , education and work force development, public health and safety, and transportation and instructure development. She had championd ethics reformed through out her election campaign. Her first legislative action after taking office was to push for a bipartisan ethics reform bill.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
10 literacy figures of the 2000's (Kyle E.)
- Joanne Murray(j.k.rowling)
She is a British author of all Harry Potter series.She won multiple awards and sold more than million copies of her novels.
- Christopher Paolini
He is best known as the author of the Inheritance Cycle, which consist of the books Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and a currently untitled "fourth book".The sequal to Eragon, Eldest, was released in august 23, 2005.The third book cycle, Brisingr, was released on September 20, 2008.
- Dan Brown
He is an American author of"The Da Vinci Code".His novels feature the recurring themes of cryptography, keys, symbols, codes, and conspiracy theories. His books have been translated into over 40 languages and sold over 80 million copies.
- Alice Sebold
She is an American author of the three novels Lucky, the Lovely Bones, and The Almost Moon. She won the American Booksellers association Book of the year award for adult fiction in 2003 and the Bram stroker award for first novel in 2002. She was also nominated in the novel category in that year.
- Stephanie Morganlio
She is American author of the novel series of Twilight and adult science-fiction novel The Host. She was the biggest selling author of both 2008 & 2009, having sold an additional 26.5 million books in 2009. She was ranked #49 on time magazines list of the "100 most influential people in 2008".
- Jeffrey Eugenides
he is an American author who wrote the book called "Middlesex" and won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the Ambassador Book Award. He also published short stories. He was the editor of the collection of short stories titled "My Mistress's Sparrow is Dead".
- Cormac McCarthy
He is an American novelist and playright and he has written 10 novels coming from the Southern Gothic, Western, and post-apocalyptic genres. He has also written plays and screenplays. He received the Pulitzer prize in 2007 for his novel "The Road", and his 2005 novel "No Country for Old Men" was adapted as a 2007 film of the same name, which won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
- Jeannette Walls
She is and American writer and journalist was known as former gossip columnist for MSNBC.com and author of "The Glass Castle" and "Half Broke Horses". She received the American Library Association's Alex Award in 2006, Books for Better Living Award, and the Christopher Award in 2007
- Ann Patchett
She is an American author who received the Orange Prize of Fiction, the Faulkner Award in 2002 for her novel "Bel Canto", and becoming a National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist in 2001. Her other novels like "Run". "The Patron Saint of Liars", "Taft", and "The Magician's Assistant", which was shortlisted for the Orange Prize.
- Elizabeth Kostova
She is an American author known for her debut novel "The Historian". Her Book have been heavily promoted and it became the first debut novel to land at number one on The New York Times bestseller list and as of 2005 was the fastest-selling hardback debut novel in US history. She received the 2006 Book Sense Award for Best Adult Fiction and the 2005 Quill Award for Debut Author of the Year
Thursday, May 20, 2010
5 Movies in the 2000's(Gerardo lopez)

Pineapple Express (August 6)-is a 2008 American action comedy film directed by David Gordon Green, written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg and starring Rogen and James Franco. Producer Judd Apatow, who previously worked with Rogen and Goldberg on Knocked Up and Super Bad.- Superbad (2007)- An American comedy film directed by Greg Mottola and starring Jonah Hill and Michael Cera. The film was written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, who began working on the script when they were both thirteen years old; they completed a draft by the time they were fifteen.
- Hotel Rwanda (2004)-While Hotel Rwanda attempts to document the country’s genocide in 1994, it does so by focusing on the character of Rusesabagina (played by Don Cheadle), who gave refuge to hundreds of fleeing Tutsis. Stars: Don Cheadle, Sophie Okonedo, Nick Nolte, Joaquin Phoenix
- Avatar- December 18, 2009. The movie starred Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, & Michelle Rodriguez.
- Up- May 29th, 2009. The movie starred Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer, & Jordan Nagai.
- The Dark Knight- 2008. The movie starred Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Morgan Freeman.
- Hell Boy 2- The movie starred Ron Perlman, Selma Blair,& Doug Jones. The movie came out in 2008.
- Iron Man 2- May 7th, 2010. The movie starred Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle, & Scarlett Johansson.
Transformers 1 & 2- The first Transformers came out in 2007 & followed by a sequel in 2009. The movie starred Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, & Josh Duhamel .
These movies are important to this decade because brand new stars started coming out. The expanded Disney movies & other movies from way back & re-created them.
5 Sciencetists/Scientific Discoveries in the 2000's(Kyle E.)
- John McCarthy(computer Scientist)
- HPV Vaccine
- Adam Whiton
Ryan Patterson
Mike Brown
Monday, May 17, 2010
10 historical events in the 2000's ( De Andrya Hyland)

- The destruction of the world trade center.(9/11/2001)
The September 11 attacks (often referred to as September 11th or 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda terorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings. Both buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Pennsylvania after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There were no survivors from any of the flights.
The death toll of the attacks was 2,995, including the 19 hijackers. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries. In addition, there is at least one secondary death – one person was ruled by a medical examiner to have died from lung disease due to exposure to dust from the World Trade Center's collapse.
- The earthquake in Haiti.(1/12/2010)
The 2010 Haiti earthquake (Haitian Creole: Tranblemanntè 2010 nan pe Ayiti) was a catastrophic magnitude 7.0 Mw earthquake, with an epicentre near the town of Léogâne, approximately 25 km (16 miles) west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital. The earthquake occurred at 16:53 local time (21:53 UTC) on Tuesday, 12 January 2010.[5][6] By 24 January, at least 52 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or greater had been recorded.[7] An estimated three million people were affected by the quake;[8] the Haitian Government reported that an estimated 230,000 people had died, 300,000 had been injured and 1,000,000 made homeless.[9][10] They also estimated that 250,000 residences and 30,000 commercial buildings had collapsed or were severely damaged.[11]
The earthquake caused major damage to Port-au-Prince, Jacmel and other settlements in the region. Many notable landmark buildings were significantly damaged or destroyed, including the Presidential Palace, the National Assembly building, the Port-au-Prince Cathedral, and the main jail. Among those killed were Archbishop of Port-au-Prince Joseph Serge Miot,[12] and opposition leader Micha Gaillard.[13][14] The headquarters of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), located in the capital, collapsed, killing many, including the Mission's Chief, Hédi Annabi.[15][16]
- The u.s elects first african american president Barak Obama.(11/5/2008)
Barack Hussein Obama II (i /bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/; born August 4, 1961) is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office. Obama previously served as the junior United States Senator from Illinois, from January 2005 until he resigned after his election to the presidency in November 2008.
A native of Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
- Michael Jackson's Death.(6/25/2009)
On June 25, 2009, American singer Michael Jackson died after he suffered cardiac arrest at his home in the Holmby Hills neighborhood in Los Angeles, California. His personal physician, Conrad Murray, said he found Jackson in his room, not breathing but with a faint pulse, and that he administered CPR to no avail. Jackson was treated by paramedics at his home, but was pronounced dead at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.[1] While initial reports discussed the possible role of painkillers in Jackson's death,[1][2] attention later turned to the medications he reportedly took for insomnia, most notably the anesthetic propofol (Diprivan).
On August 28, 2009, the Los Angeles County Coroner declared that Jackson's death a homicide caused by the combination of drugs in his body.[3] Before his death, Jackson reportedly had been administered propofol, along with two anti-anxiety benzodiazepines: lorazepam and midazolam.[4] Law enforcement officials investigated Jackson's personal physician, who told investigators that he had been trying to wean him off propofol. On February 8, 2010, Murray pleaded not guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter, and was released from prison after posting a US$75,000 bail.[5]
Jackson's death triggered an outpouring of grief around the world, creating unprecedented surges of Internet traffic and causing sales of his music and that of the Jackson 5 to increase dramatically.[6] Jackson had been scheduled to perform his This Is It concert series to over one million people at London's O2 arena, from July 13, 2009 to March 6, 2010.[7] His public memorial service was held on July 7, 2009, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, where he had rehearsed for the London concerts the night before his death. His memorial service was broadcast live around the world, attracting a global audience of up to one billion people
- The immigration law.(4/14/2010)
Immigration law refers to national government policies which control the phenomenon of immigration to their country.
Immigration law, regarding foreign citizens, is related to nationality law, which governs the legal status of people, in matters such as citizenship. Immigration laws vary from country to country, as well as according to the political climate of the times, as sentiments may sway from the widely inclusive to the deeply exclusive of new immigrants.
Immigration law regarding the citizens of a country is regulated by international law. The United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights[1] mandates that all countries allow entry to its own citizens.
Certain countries may maintain rather strict laws which regulate both the right of entry and internal rights, such as the duration of stay and the right to participate in government. Most countries have laws which designate a process for naturalization, by which immigrants may become citizens.
- The war in Afghanistan.(10/ 07 /2001)
The War in Afghanistan is an ongoing coalition conflict which began on October 7, 2001,[28] as the US military's Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) that was launched, along with the British military, in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US. The UK has, since 2002, led its own military operation, Operation Herrick, as part of the same war in Afghanistan. The character of the war evolved from a violent struggle against Al-Qaeda and its Taliban supporters to a complex counterinsurgency effort.
June 7, 2010, marked the 104th month of US military engagement in Afghanistan, making it the longest war in the history of the United States (American involvement in the Vietnam War lasted 103 months).[29][30]
The first phase of the war was the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, when the United States launched Operation Enduring Freedom, to remove the safe haven to Al-Qaeda and its use of the Afghan territory as a base of operations for terrorist activities. In that first phase, U.S. and coalition forces, working with the Afghan opposition forces of the Northern Alliance, quickly ousted the Taliban regime. During the following Karzai administration, the character of the war shifted to an effort aimed at smothering insurgency, in which the insurgents preferred not to directly confront the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) troops, but blended into the local population and mainly used improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and suicide bombings
- The war in Iraq.(3/20 /2003)
The Iraq War, also known as the Occupation of Iraq,[40] The Second Gulf War,[41] Operation Iraqi Freedom,[42] or Operation New Dawn is an ongoing[43] military campaign which began on March 20, 2003,[44] with the invasion of Iraq by a multinational force led by troops from the United States and the United Kingdom.[45]
Prior to the war, the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom claimed that Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) posed a threat to their security and that of their coalition/regional allies.[46][47][48] In 2002, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1441 which called for Iraq to completely cooperate with UN weapon inspectors to verify that Iraq was not in possession of WMD and cruise missiles. The United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) found no evidence of WMD, but could not verify the accuracy of Iraq's weapon declarations.[49][50][51][52] Lead weapons inspector Hans Blix advised the UN Security Council that while Iraq was cooperating in terms of access, Iraq's declarations with regards to WMD could not be verified.[49][53]
After investigation following the invasion, the U.S.-led Iraq Survey Group concluded that Iraq had ended its nuclear, chemical, and biological programs in 1991 and had no active programs at the time of the invasion, but that they intended to resume production if the Iraq sanctions were lifted.[54] Although some degraded remnants of misplaced or abandoned chemical weapons from before 1991 were found, they were not the weapons which had been the main argument to justify the invasion.[55] Some US officials also accused Iraqi President Saddam Hussein of harboring and supporting al-Qaeda,[56] but no evidence of a meaningful connection was ever found.[57][58] Other proclaimed reasons for the invasion included Iraq's financial support for the families of Palestinian suicide bombers,[59] Iraqi government human rights abuses,[60] and an effort to spread democracy to the country.[61][62]
The invasion of Iraq led to an occupation and the eventual capture of President Hussein, who was later tried in an Iraqi court of law and executed by the new Iraqi government. Violence against coalition forces and among various sectarian groups soon led to the Iraqi insurgency, strife between many Sunni and Shia Iraqi groups, and the emergence of a new faction of Al-Qaeda in Iraq.[63][64] In October 2006, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Iraqi government estimated that more than 365,000 Iraqis had been displaced since the 2006 bombing of the al-Askari Mosque, bringing the total number of Iraqi refugees to more than 1.6 million.[65] By 2008, the UNHCR raised the estimate of refugees to a total of about 4.7 million (~16% of the population). The number of refugees estimated abroad was 2 million (a number close to CIA projections[66]) and the number of internally displaced people was 2.7 million.[67] In 2007, Iraq's anti-corruption board reported that 35% of Iraqi children, or about five million children, were orphans.[68] The Red Cross stated in March 2008 that Iraq's humanitarian situation remained among the most critical in the world, with millions of Iraqis forced to rely on insufficient and poor-quality water sources.[69]
- The trial & execution of Sadaam Hussein.( 12/30/2006)
The execution of Saddam Hussein took place on December 30, 2006. He was sentenced to death by hanging, after being found guilty and convicted of crimes against humanity by the Iraqi Special Tribunal for the murder of 140 Iraqi Shi'ite in the town of Dujail in 1982, in retaliation for an assassination attempt against him.[1]
Saddam Hussein was President of Iraq from July 16, 1979 until April 9, 2003, when he was deposed during the 2003 invasion of Iraq by U.S.-led Allied Coalition. After his capture in ad-Dawr, near his hometown Tikrit, he was incarcerated at Camp Cropper. On November 5, 2006, he was sentenced to death by hanging.
On December 30, 2006, he was taken to the prison to be executed. The Iraqi government released an official videotape of his execution, showing him being led to the gallows, and ending after his head was in the hangman's noose. International public controversy arose when an unauthorized cell phone recording of the hanging showed him falling through the trap door of the gallows. The unprofessional and undignified atmosphere of the execution drew criticism around the world from nations that both oppose and support capital punishment.
On December 31, 2006, Saddam Hussein's body was returned to his birthplace of Al-Awja, near Tikrit, and was buried near the graves of other family members.
The Trial of Saddam Hussein was the trial of the deposed President of Iraq Saddam Hussein by the Iraqi Interim Government for crimes against humanity during his time in office.
The Coalition Provisional Authority voted to create the Iraqi Special Tribunal (IST), consisting of five Iraqi judges, on 9 December 2003, to try Saddam Hussein and his aides for charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.[1]
The trial was viewed in some quarters as a kangaroo court or show trial.[2][3][4][5][6] Amnesty International stated that the trial was "unfair,"[7] and Human Rights Watch noting that Saddam's execution "follows a flawed trial and marks a significant step away from the rule of law in Iraq."[8][opinion needs balancing]
Saddam was captured on December 13, 2003.[9] He remained in custody by US forces at Camp Cropper in Baghdad, along with eleven senior Ba'athist officials. Particular attention was paid during the trial to activities in violent campaigns against the Kurds in the north during the Iran–Iraq War, against the Shiites in the south in 1991 and 1999 to put down revolts, and in Dujail after a failed assassination attempt on July 8, 1982, during the Iran–Iraq War. Saddam asserted in his defense that he had been unlawfully overthrown, and was still the president of Iraq.
The first trial began before the Iraqi Special Tribunal on 19 October 2005. At this trial Saddam and seven other defendants were tried for crimes against humanity with regard to events that took place after a failed assassination attempt in Dujail in 1982 by members of the Islamic Dawa Party (see also human rights abuses in Iraq). A second and separate trial began on August 21, 2006,[10] trying Saddam and six co-defendants for genocide during the Anfal military campaign against the Kurds of northern Iraq. Saddam may also have been tried in absentia for events dating to the Iran–Iraq War and the invasion of Kuwait, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide[citation needed].
On November 5, 2006, Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging. On December 26, Saddam's appeal was rejected and the death sentence upheld. No further appeals were taken and Saddam was ordered executed within 30 days of that date. The date and place of the execution were secret until the sentence was carried out.[11] Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging on December 30, 2006.[12] With his death, all other charges were dropped.
- Rosa Parks died.(10/24/2005)
City officials in Montgomery and Detroit announced on October 27, 2005 that the front seats of their city buses would be reserved with black ribbons in honor of Parks until her funeral. Parks' coffin was flown to Montgomery and taken in a horse-drawn hearse to the St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, where she lay in repose at the altar, dressed in the uniform of a church deaconess, on October 29, 2005. A memorial service was held there the following morning, and one of the speakers, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, said that if it had not been for Parks, she would probably have never become the Secretary of State. In the evening the casket was transported to Washington, D.C., and taken, aboard a bus similar to the one in which she made her protest, to lie in honor in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda, making her the first woman and second African American ever to receive this honor.[45] An estimated 50,000 people viewed the casket there, and the event was broadcast on television on October 31, 2005. This was followed by another memorial service at a different St. Paul AME church in Washington on the afternoon of October 31, 2005. For two days, she lay in repose at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit.
Parks' funeral service, seven hours long, was held on Wednesday, November 2, 2005, at the Greater Grace Temple Church. After the funeral service, an honor guard from the Michigan National Guard laid the U.S. flag over the casket and carried it to a horse-drawn hearse, which had been intended to carry it, in daylight, to the cemetery. As the hearse passed the thousands of people who had turned out to view the procession, many clapped and cheered loudly and released white balloons. Rosa was interred between her husband and mother at Detroit's Woodlawn Cemetery in the chapel's mausoleum. The chapel was renamed the Rosa L. Parks Freedom Chapel just after her death.[46] Parks had previously prepared and placed a headstone on the selected location with the inscription "Rosa L. Parks, wife, 1913–."
- Hurricane Katrina devastates the gulf coast.(8/29/2005)
Hurricane Katrina of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season was the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the five deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the United States.[2] Among recorded Atlantic hurricanes, it was the sixth strongest overall. At least 1,836 people lost their lives in the actual hurricane and in the subsequent floods, making it the deadliest U.S. hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane; total property damage was estimated at $81 billion (2005 USD),[2] nearly triple the damage wrought by Hurricane Andrew in 1992.[3]
Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005 and crossed southern Florida as a moderate Category 1 hurricane, causing some deaths and flooding there before strengthening rapidly in the Gulf of Mexico. The storm weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 storm on the morning of Monday, August 29 in southeast Louisiana. It caused severe destruction along the Gulf coast from central Florida to Texas, much of it due to the storm surge. The most severe loss of life occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana, which flooded as the levee system catastrophically failed, in many cases hours after the storm had moved inland.[4] Eventually 80% of the city and large tracts of neighboring parishes became flooded, and the floodwaters lingered for weeks.[4] However, the worst property damage occurred in coastal areas, such as all Mississippi beachfront towns, which were flooded over 90% in hours, as boats and casino barges rammed buildings, pushing cars and houses inland, with waters reaching 6–12 miles (10–19 km) from the beach.